I started this blog because I like to quilt and I like to write and I like to write about my quilting, and well here we are. It started as a regular Monday thing, then after a year I decided to switch it up to be a Wednesday thing, and now I’m finding that the weekly thing is a lot to keep going.
I’m seeing patterns in my quilting habits, how things ebb and flow, and I’m seeing patterns in what I write about and that turns into repeats in my blog posts, which bothers me. I had the perhaps naive expectation that every week would be about something new. I’m also feeling a lot of fatigue from the last year, and I wanted all my blog posts to be funny or at least positive, and lately that hasn’t been what I wanted to write about.
You may have noticed that I’ve been posting about every other week lately. Some of that is because no matter how hard I try to keep up, time gets away from me and my brain seems to only register every other Wednesday and that’s when I’ve been getting a blog post up. I need to be ok with that for a while instead of beating myself up for the weeks I missed.
Last year was wildly productive for me. Oddly so for me. I used all the time at home to sew up a storm and then it all kind of fizzled in March. The anniversary of things shutting down was somehow jarring to me. It was fine when it was less than a year and then suddenly when it had been a whole year, that’s when my brain fell apart. I have said that about myself for years, I’m good in a crisis, then I turn into a blithering idiot when the immediate danger is over and here we are. Immediate danger apparently equates to a year in my brain so welcome the blithering idiot.
I will get past this. I have completed a few things this year. I am working on a lot of UFOs and have some of those completed. I will get to where there are things to write about and things to sew and things I am excited about. I will find a new rhythm in this year, and if it is every other week I will be ok with that.
We are all going to have to figure out what our rhythm is going to be. I have read a lot of discussions on social media about “getting back to normal”. A lot of us don’t want to go back. A lot of us found some beauty in the last year and want to keep that. Figuring out how to forge a new rhythm and a new normal is going to take a little time. In the mean time I will keep sewing and keep creating, even if I am changing my pace a little bit.