I’m interrupting my personal quilt show to make a brief post about the weather in Texas last week. If you haven’t seen on the news, it was brutal. Record cold, power outages, massive plumbing and water failures, truly epic. This week we are back in the 70’s, a good 10 degrees above the average for this time of year.
I did well at Myrtlewood Farm, better than a lot of people and for that I am profoundly grateful. My plumbing is new, because it’s a new house, so the two taps that did freeze up, eventually thawed out. My water meter froze at the start of all this, but that was dealt with quickly and insulated with a big piece of acrylic fleece. Thank heavens for having a fabric stash with some odd stuff in it.
The time I was without power was weathered with a huge pile of quilts. The cat was instrumental in staying warm, it’s like having a fur covered hot water bottle. She has really been enjoying the bed piled high with 4 quilts, I think she’s going to be very disappointed when I put them all away again. It is times like this I am very glad that I am a quilter, and was able to pile on the blankets.
Next week I will get back to regular posting, but I did want to pause this week, mark the major event of last week, and to be grateful for coming out as well as I did.