I’ve been out at the farm 15 months now, going on 16 months. Over a year. It’s really difficult to wrap my head around that. I’m coming up to my second Christmas at the farm. At least this year I managed to get Christmas cards out. That was nice.
This entire time the Garage has just been a dumping ground. I was so tired from unpacking the house that I didn’t even touch the boxes in the garage. In August when we cleaned out the house in Albuquerque, I came home with a lot of stuff that again just got dumped in the garage. There was just room for my car to squeeze into the garage.
This past weekend that changed. Everything came out of the garage. Four new shelving units went in and all the boxes from the move got unpacked. That really should have taken up more room in the blog than two lines because it took almost 7 hours to do. I couldn’t move on Sunday I was so tired. I will let the photo be the other 1000 words of this post, I can’t even come close to describing it.
I’m glad I got it done. I can get to my tools again, which means I can finally start work on putting the train up in my office. I’ve wanted to do this for about 13 years, it was going to go in the front room in the other house. I’ll enjoy it more in the office here.
I have never been a neat person, and that has bothered me a lot. More than I like to admit. I have come to realize that it is impossible to be neat when you have too much stuff. Everything needs a place, and where there’s not enough space, you end up being messy no matter what. It soothes my soul to look at the garage now, there’s even a few open shelves so I have some space to put some other things from the house out there. Stuff that wouldn’t fit in the garage before. That’s a first.
So thank you for allowing me to share this topic this week, it’s not sewing but it’s a huge win for me and this year I need all the positive I can get!