I’ve really thought about what to post this week since it’s Thanksgiving. This is not the first holiday I’ve spent alone, though knowing that a good part of the world alone makes it stand out a bit more. I have some phone calls planned, some zoom time planned and LOTS of sewing planned. I will have more food than I need, honestly but there are a couple of recipes I only make this time of year and I will hold onto those traditions.
I’m working on getting my Christmas decorations out. This year I’m sorting through stuff and trying to be more mindful of what I keep and what I display. I tend to get very excited by shiny things so at Christmas I end up coming home with more than I need. I have to remind myself of that in stores. Maybe just get one or two meaningful pieces this year, but I’m still not sure.
I hope all of you out there are safe, have food and can find a little something for which to be thankful at this holiday, even if it is not how you normally celebrate. I’m reminding myself that even with everything going on, I am still thankful for what I have.