This week has seen a year long project come to an end. Well maybe that’s an incorrect statement. Something I’ve been wanting to do for over a year, but finally got the wheels in motion 3 months ago has come to an end. That’s more accurate I think.
I have completed my gravel patio in the back yard. I’ve wanted a place for chairs and a fire pit that wouldn’t get mired in mud when it rains. I’ve wanted to do this since I built the house, it was always part of the vision. There was some work on my part, digging the drain for the gutter to go under the patio, and a lot of work by the gravel company, but sometimes to achieve a goal, you need to work with somebody who can do the parts you can’t.
I’m thrilled with the patio. Sat outside at sunset, and then sat outside after dark looking for meteors (saw two very little ones, so I’m counting that as a win). That’s almost as much as I’ve sat outside the entire summer. I am excited about both finishing the project but also looking forward to the things I can do.
I’m also getting close to completing my hand pieced quilt. I am about 80% done with the piecing. The end is in sight and I am starting to think about how it will look on the bed in the guest room. Lots of parallels between the quilt and the patio. Something I’ve wanted to do for ages, had to work for a while, had some help from outside and checking something off my list. I’ve started to let myself dream about my next hand piecing project.
While the patio itself is complete, next thing up is to get the planters I want and the fire pit and other stuff so that the space is set the way I want it to be. I’d say it’s about 80% done as well. That means I can start dreaming about the next big thing I want to work on around the house. Not sure what it’s going to be yet, need to put some thought into what the big plan is. Picking out a quilt project is a bit easier I guess.
Not much else going on in these parts, I need to figure out how to get more creative with my blog posts. I will be doing some research on better topics.