Well, I’m closing in on two years of posting on this blog almost every single week, and you, my dear readers, have been keeping up with me every step of the way. I am finding myself starting to repeat ideas for topics in my blog posts and it got me to thinking.

I seem to circle around to things in my quilting too. I will figure out a tip or technique and use it for a while on a quilt, then when that project is done, that technique gets set aside too. When the next project surfaces that needs that technique, I feel like I am discovering something new all over again. Maybe that’s one reason that after 30 some years, I am still quilting and still enjoying the process. I don’t ever feel like I’ve learned all there is to learn.

I’ve had a number of people assume that because I lecture and teach, I don’t take classes and I’m not learning new stuff and oh my but that’s far from the truth. I always get a nugget of wisdom out of taking a class, no matter how long I’ve been doing this. There is always something new to learn or at the very least, something old to relearn.

Henry Ford is quoted as saying “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty” and I really do believe that. I also believe that learning is the best mental exercise for keeping the brain in shape too. A brain that doesn’t have to learn, doesn’t have to keep growing.

So, dear reader, please forgive me and indulge me a little if the topics on this blog reappear from time to time; I promise I will write a whole new post, perhaps with a slightly different perspective on the same topic. Sometimes when things happen they are just too good not to share, even if I have talked about it before. Who knows, maybe I’ll have a couple of new readers too who won’t have seen the previous post.


August 19, 2020