I am a cool weather gal. For a lot of reasons, not the least of which is that I am prone to heat stroke. Other than that, most of the things I enjoy in life are compatible with cool or cold weather. I’m thinking a fire in the fireplace, a cozy sweater, a cup of anything hot (cocoa, coffee, you name it), hand knit socks, all of these are things that are not compatible with temps over 95 degrees. I suffer my way through the summer, spending very little time outside, counting the days until fall arrives.
Last week, we had a summer cold front in Texas, which means the temps were in the upper 80s/lower 90s most of the week. Going outside with Pops in the morning, the breeze was cool rather than being a blast of hot air and it was a hit of fall. I know Texas Summers go through at least the end of September, but it was just a brief reminder of cooler weather and a promise of what is right around the corner.
This will be my second fall at the farm and I’m very excited. There will be a back patio this year with a fire pit for sitting outside and roasting marshmallows in the cool evenings. I will be able to step out the back door without stepping into a giant mud pit when it rains. All very exciting things.
At the same time, I’m eyeballing more of my knitting projects. Knitting tends to get put down in my house during the summer for other activities. I just can’t bring myself to knit much when it’s 110 degrees outside. Just doesn’t fit. So I need to figure out where I left off and get things lined up for when cooler weather arrives.
I can just feel the cool breeze on my face and not dread being outside to do yard work.