Back in 2005, I was living in Raleigh and was still doing a lot of counted cross stitch. One of the things I found was a little decorative pillow, and there were covers that tied over it, one for each month (Pine Mountain Designs). They were cute and easy to do, so I signed up for the full year. I managed to do January – May and then for whatever reason got side tracked and didn’t finish.

Fast forward to 2018 and I still put out the little pillow January – May and really wanted to finish these out. I searched high and low and it looked to me like the remaining kits had not survived the move from Raleigh back to Dallas and that made me sad. I even considered trying to draft my own little patterns just to complete out the year but I couldn’t come up with anything that I liked.

Now it’s 2020, and I was poking around in the sewing room this weekend and there was a shoebox with a lot of stuff in it and much to my surprise, there was one of these pillow cover kits on the top and it was July. It’s KISMET! I stitched out the little July pillow and felt like there was some closure to the whole thing. Now I have at least January – May plus July.

Yesterday I decided to dig a little bit more and to my complete amazement, the remaining months are all in that box. ALL OF THEM. I will be able to finish out the entire year. I started June last night, and the whole time, all I could think was that they were lost for almost 15 years, and yet they are all there. I am ridiculously happy about this.

I’m so glad I didn’t give up. I’m so glad I didn’t get rid of them. I don’t even remember seeing that shoebox when I was packing the sewing room in the old house, and I don’t remember unpacking that box and looking at what was in it. From my perspective it just materialized in the sewing room over the weekend, fully intact and ready for my hands. To quote The Rolling Stones “You don’t always get what you want, but you get what you need”. Hopefully in a month or two I will be able to post the full set of pillow covers.


July 15, 2020
July 29, 2020