We’ve all been there. Stuff is rolling along just fine then one day you wake up and find that you are rolling in a rut. Rolling in a rut goes on for a little while but it gets more and more difficult to role and then you wake up one day and things are stalled, just stale, not going anywhere. When that happens its time for a change.
I have at least learned, for me anyway, that bangs are never the answer. Many bad hair cuts and many hack jobs on my bangs, no that is not the kind of change that is going to help. I’ve also learned that spending a lot of money in and of itself, is not going to bring the change needed. Spending a little money to help support change is something else but that’s for a later discussion.
I’ve admitted that I’ve been writing solid every week and I’m running out of fresh ideas. I’m feeling stale. I can’t even get a post scheduled for Monday morning anymore. I wake up Mondays now, completely shocked that it is Monday, and how did it get to be Monday anyway, without any warning. There really should be a pattern or something you know, to make sure that you know when Monday is going to come around. Yea. Nifty idea. So I need to make some changes.
I like writing weekly. I’ll skip all the gory details about reader engagement and reach etc about social media, but TV figured out long ago that people like a weekly pattern and will tune in weekly to watch a TV show. Blogs honestly aren’t much different. If you get the hang of reading my blog along with your morning coffee on a particular day, then you (hopefully) look forward to that happening on a weekly basis. I promise I’ll come up with some new stuff. Really I will. With that in mind, I am now officially moving from Monday to Wednesday Post Day up on the blog.
I know that’s not going to be enough in and of itself to get over the writers block, but I am hoping I won’t be quite as surprised about Wednesday as I have been about Mondays of late. Time will tell on that one. I’m also making some changes in what and how I’m sewing. I’ve got two quilts to bind, and I’m actually hand finishing the binding instead of machine finishing. I think I can count on one hand the number of quilts that I have hand bound in the last 5 years. Both of these quilts were also pieced in the last 9 months too. Me? Finishing something in under a year? That’s a big change too.
I know I’ll have to build some new patterns around these ideas, and I know they really aren’t anything revolutionary. Inventing my own calendar that has 13 days per week and 28 weeks per year would be revolutionary. I would have a 4 day weekend every week. I’d also get to make up 6 more names for days. Blursday has been a particular favorite lately, I’m fairly sure that’s always the first work day after a 4 day weekend, but I digress. I’m doing little things that will shake up the routine and get me out of my stale rut and back on the road again.
If you are reading this with your morning coffee, it’s Wednesday and you are welcome. Unless you took Monday and Tuesday off in which case it is Blursday and you are still welcome.