A lot has been going on in our world lately. I don’t write about it too much here because that’s not what this blog is about. This is supposed to be an outlet for my creativity, and a way to help me find my path with needlework and grow by managing some of my goals. That has been particularly difficult to do lately.
I have found myself very challenged to keep creating. This week especially, I work through the day and when I get to the end of the day there’s nothing left in the tank. I sew a little, I’ve been knitting a bit more as that seems to suit me sitting in my big chair more. I don’t like myself this way but I need to remind myself that it won’t go on for ever. I need to allow myself this time to evaluate, and regroup and even rest.
This won’t be a long post. There’s too much to say that’s a jumble of emotions and things that I don’t want on this page. I know the human race is remarkable and resilient and we will find a way through this, and make the world a better place. I will keep sewing and trying to make myself a better person every day.