I’ve teamed up with a bunch of quilters on line to do a Spring Clean Your Studio Blog Hop! Starting April 1, every day a different quilter will post on their blog before and after photos of spring cleaning, discuss their favorite parts of their studio, things they’d like to change, and some tips for keeping ahead of the clutter.
I’m scheduled for April 4, so I will have an out of sequence post on a Saturday, but I will publicize it the Monday afterwards as well. I will also be posting the list of participating blogs so that you can visit other blogs to see what they are doing. If you are on on social media, follow the hash tag #springcleanyourstudio2020 and #springcleanyourstudiobloghop to keep up with what folks are doing
This is a great opportunity to follow along, get to see a lot of different sewing spaces and maybe tackle your own studio in the process. I hope you join us!