I’m one of those people who wants to try and do just about every single form of fiber arts available on the planet. I’m sure when we finally meet aliens, I will want to try their fiber arts too. I’ve been that way as long as I can remember. I will seen what friends are doing, or see an article on line, or something in a book and my hands literally twitch wanting to feel how that process works.
I know I am in good company in this, I have a lot of friends who are multi-craftual. A lot of quilters also knit or crochet. I have a couple of friends who are weavers. Believe me, that is a rabbit hole, down which I am DESPERATE to fall, but it takes up space in my house and time out of my schedule. It’s not just crafts, it’s music and games too.
There is so much out there in the world and I want to do it all. The problem is I am bound by the fact that we live on earth, a planet which has 24 hours in a single rotation, and I am a human being so I require 8 hours sleep a night (long long gone are the days when I could get by on only 2 or 3 hours sleep) and in order to pay for all of this stuff I have to keep a job which takes a minimum of 45 hours every week. All of this leaves me very little precious time in which to do the things I want to do. So this means I have to make choices, and limit myself.
I am binary when it comes to time management. I can always get myself ready and plan for traffic and be on time for things and I ALWAYS plan too many things. I get over committed and even though I get it all done, I end up tired and worn out. I need to figure out how to manage a sweet spot where I do enough to keep my hands and my brain engaged, but not so much that I can’t keep up and things start falling by the wayside.
I am taking a long hard look at this year, and I am realizing that there are a handful of things, that I really enjoy, but that are too difficult to keep up and I need to cut back. I don’t want to do that but I know it’s the right thing to do. So decisions have to be made, then it’s off to the sewing room to work on a myriad of projects. It’s nearly faire season again, which means all kinds of garment sewing for a bit. More on that in another post.