I’ve had an idea about decorating my house with seasonal quilts for a while. Probably most of the time that I’ve been quilting, I’d like to have things around the house that I change out regularly. I’m keeping the idea small right now, I am very aware that I won’t have a different quilt on the bed every month of the year, but I would love to have a unique quilt for the table and the coffee table for every month. They would be easier to store as well, and I have a decent theme figured out for every month except August and September.
I’ve already noted how moving has really restarted my sewing mojo, especially as I unpack and find stuff that I’ve had for ages. It’s been really fun working on things that I find as I open boxes, and I find myself suddenly with a Halloween themed quilt on the back of my recliner and a fall table topper on the dining room table.
At the end of September, I attended a class at my LQS that had a Halloween themed project. I came home and kept thinking about it and how it would look really nice on the dining room table. I worked a little bit each evening last week and finished it up and put it on the table on friday.
I’m a long way from having something for every month, but for right now I have some seasonal quilt decorations that I made for myself and just getting started makes it feel like I’m well on my way to having the decorations that I want in my home. I’m really hoping that if I keep at it, I will have a nice selection over the next year.