More thoughts on unpacking, where I have noticed a very interesting trend. I keep finding projects that are about 90% complete and shoved in a box. They cover all range of sizes and hobbies. I have always known I am a sprinter. I can do just about anything, very intensely for a short amount of time. I suck at doing anything with the same intensity long term. What I find most fascinating about this is that I have both large and small projects that all came to a halt around 90% done.
I got two things done this weekend, a knitted shrug that just needed a few more rows and binding off, and a small table topper in fall colors for the kitchen table. Probably didn’t take me more than 4 hours to finish both of those projects, yet they have spent the better part of the last 10 years in a box.
I have been getting consistently better about finishing things. I like to wear things I’ve knitted and I like to sleep under quilts that I made, and both of those experiences require finishing. I’m not nearly to the level of output that I’d like to be, but at least some stuff is getting done. I’m curious to see how many more projects are this close to being done as I unpack and if I can put in just a little more time to see them finished.
This post is short because a large part of this weekend was spent doing yard work. I’m enjoying being outside, and I know I will enjoy it even more when it is not a bajillion degrees outside. Ok honesty it’s only a half a bajillion now, since it’s fall in Texas, but you get the point. There’s just the barest hint of cool in the morning air. I know in a few short weeks, I will have to bundle up like the Michelin Man just to stand outside with the dog, so I should be glad for whatever kind of fall we get this year.
OH. And I started another project this weekend. Want to see if I can keep at it and see this one through to completion. This year.