This Monday is celebrated as the Labor Day Holiday in America. The first Monday of September. Labor Day is widely regarded as the “end of summer” in the US. The cultural summer season is bookended by Memorial Day at the end of May and Labor Day at the start of September. Both are holidays with very somber origins that are celebrated by parties and cookouts and much gaiety. Rather ironic if you think about it.
I am torn between being a lazy bum all weekend and making really good use of the time. I am slowly getting things unpacked at the house. The box room is such a jumble of boxes that I can’t work on a single space. I have to take the next box I can reach and unpack whatever it is and put it away. Other than the pile of empty boxes getting larger, it is very difficult to tell if I am making any headway.
I have gotten one set of shelves installed in the office, have another set to do. That will help give the space to put things away. I had already built my IKEA units, but I finally got them anchored to the wall, so I can start to put stuff on those this weekend as well. Of course I would like to carve out some time to sew, but I’m not sure I have enough stuff unpacked to do that. My natural impatience is catching up with me, but at some point I will be able to do what I want.
I am thinking about starting a hashtag of #honesthousemoving or something like that. Instead of showing carefully manicured shots that look like a spread out of House Beautiful, I should show you the chaos and destruction that is just out of view. It will come together, after a lot of hard work, and it will be worth it, I just need to put some time in. I hope you and yours have a lovely time and I hope you find some relaxation this weekend. I’m going to try to end up with a nice mix of working on the house and getting some R&R on the books.