Well, two weeks have past and I’ve moved out of my old house out to the farm. Old house is sold and done. Everything I own is at the farm in some fashion. Mostly in boxes. In the spare room. I’m sure it goes without saying in detail that I can’t find much of anything at all, but I’m here. The unpacking can take it’s time and be done right, there’s no reason to hurry up and be frantic about it. I want to be more mindful of the stuff.
I have done a LOT of decluttering/downsizing over the last two years in anticipation of this move. This house is smaller but even if it were not, I don’t need to keep hanging onto the weight of all the accumulated stuff (I’m being polite here). So unpacking needs to be a continuation of that, deciding about every single item if I really want to keep it or not.
I’m still going to cut up my fabric stash. I got a lot of that accomplished already but packing showed me just how much more of that I have to go.
Man, 30 years of quilting has resulted in a LOT OF FABRIC. And notions. And stuff.
This has been an emotional journey, maybe more than I realized it would be. I shredded 350 pounds of paper out of my office and that was an emotional ride let me tell you. I kept just about everything so I had old performance reviews from jobs 25 years ago. I let all of that go. I had kept corporate awards that I thought were stupid at the time, that have even less meaning now if that’s even possible. Those are now gone too. I want to surround myself with things that have POSITIVE meaning for me. Nothing but POSITIVE vibes in this house.
I know I’m rambling a bit, but trying to put the enormity of the last two weeks into a blog post is tricky. This move has been in the works for 8 years, and to have it finally come to completion is mind boggling to me. I also keep having dreams that I left something really important in the old house that I need to go back and get. I have to keep reminding myself that I did THREE walkthroughs and there was nothing left anywhere in that house. All of this will just take time for my brain and heart to comprehend.
In the mean time, my dog is finding out just how big the back yard is, and how much there is to explore. I need to take a cue from him and let my own world get bigger instead of smaller with this move. Blog posts should also resume their normal frequency again. I have missed writing on a regular basis.