When the end of April rolls around, it will mark six months where I have had a blog post every Monday morning. I have been using a lot of the scheduling features in WordPress that automate the blog posts so I can write them ahead of time and have it all set to go, then on the appropriate Monday it publishes and also pushes out to my business FaceBook page.
I’m pretty tickled with this milestone. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while, and with the aid of these programs, I’m off and running. April’s content is almost done on 4/1, and I have started working on the topics for May. As with anything, some posts are better than others. I’ve had a couple that really resonate with people, but I want to be careful not to complain too much (I can easily fall into that trap) and I want there to be useful information in the blog too. It will be a challenge to come up with 52 interested topics, knowing that right on the heels of that, I need another 52 interesting topics that don’t overlap with the first 52 topics. Yea. No pressure at all.
Since I’m actually getting the hang of this, and am enjoying it enough that I want to keep going, I have thought about the people who might want to follow up on the blog but without having to either remember that it is Monday or have to have a facebook account to know when I’ve posted. The most convenient way to do that is to have an email signup, so everybody on the list gets an email when the blog is updated.
I could chose to make this really complicated. I thought about having a newsletter that I write every week, that includes the note that there’s a new blog post but oh good golly that’s another 52 topics a year that need to be distinct from the other 104 topics. You can see where this is going. I’m also not trying to sell you anything, I don’t need to give you a coupon or send you a huge email you have to read, all I want is a little something in your inbox that says hey it’s Monday maybe go check out the blog!
So that’s what I’ve done. If you look at my blog, in the sidebar, under the tiny biography and photo (which on the computer is sideways and I have no idea why I couldn’t have done that if I had set out to do something so baffling and I can’t fix it either) there is a newsletter sign up. I just ask for your first and last name and your email address. I don’t want your birthday, I don’t want your phone number, I’m not going to sell my vast list of 32 followers to anyone. Even if I get up to 38 followers, not going to sell my list. Signing up for this will get you the nice little email on Mondays telling you there’s a new post on the blog.
I’m pondering the idea of perhaps making a quarterly newsletter (so that’s only 4 more emails a year) to list out class and lecture schedules but that’s a little ways out in the future, right now the plan is just for the Monday reminder. So if you’d like to come along on this little journey with me, go ahead to the side bar and sign up for the newsletter. I’ll treat you right, share a little information and hopefully give you something nice in your inbox on a Monday morning!