A lot of my friends know I’m a huge Star Trek Fan. There was an episode in the original series where they encounter a life form called the Tribble. They are fur balls (literally) that multiply at a rate that would impress rabbits. It was a cute episode, but what I enjoy even more, is that in several interviews, cast members noted that for months after the episode, they kept finding Tribbles in various nooks and crannies of the set. Despite multiple attempts to completely clean up, Tribbles kept appearing.
A couple of years ago, my Friday group did a swap of Nickel squares (5″ squares of fabric). We swapped sets of two light and two dark 5″ squares. A lot of squares. I supposed in the interest of full disclosure, I should note I was the one in charge of the swap. We had chosen that setup because it supported a number of layouts in the book Nickel Quilts by Pat Speth. We had done some extensive math (ok, I had done some extensive math, but everybody had agreed) on how many ‘sets’ were needed to accomplish a full sized quilt from several of those patterns.
We swapped nickel squares for a year. Every month. Most folks were on time and it was a great swap. I should probably note that the main pattern favored is a block called Tillie’s Treasures, and the 4 5″ squares make a very small and detailed finished block. I knew early on that Tillie was not for me, and decided I would use the squares to make 8″ pinwheel blocks (my favorite block pattern).
I started cranking out pinwheel blocks and managed rather quickly to put together a fabulous twin sized quilt. I knew I wasn’t using all the squares by a long shot, so I started working on a bunch of 8″ birds in the air blocks too. That one isn’t done yet, but I put all the 5″ squares in a box with the blocks and I pull it out from time to time.
In the subsequent couple of years, as I rummage in my sewing room, come across the odd sets of 5″ squares from the swap. Loose and running around in the environment as it were. When I do, I stick them in the box with the others and keep going. It’s rather disturbing how often I run across some more 5″ squares. When I think I have collected all of them they keep showing up. Like Tribbles.
This month at our regular Friday meeting, I noted how the squares are still turning up randomly in my sewing room and several other gals noted the same thing. Every time we think we have found them all, a couple more show up. Like Tribbles.
On the Tribbles there was some speculation that a cast or crew member was bringing them in and planting them on set to be found later. I’m fairly sure that no one is bringing in 5″ squares and planting them in my sewing room (I will admit I’m only about 99.99% sure but still) and they are still showing up.
I’m to the point now where I just laugh when I find them. I don’t need to answer the mystery at this point. I’m going to be going through my whole stash in the next 6 months, cleaning out in order to move. What will really be telling is after I move, if the random 5″ squares start appearing again.
I’ll let you know…